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18 February 2007

John Edwards - The Issues Candidate?

The following article from the Independent Weekly I found to be pretty interesting... It talks about how former Senator John Edwards is the only candidate currently actually discussing and taking a stance on ISSUES. In the long run, that may or may not be good for his candidacy, but I think it's somewhat refreshing in an era where most politicians would rather not talk about "issues"... taking a stance on anything can turn potential voters against you - especially a divisive issue.

I like John Edwards. I like Obama too but I don't think there's any way he OR hillary can win the general election. The problem is, they probably COULD win the democratic nomination, and we'd be stuck with another "can't win candidate".  When it comes to Hillary, I know way to many Democrats who've already said they simply will not vote for her.

Anyway, here's the article link.... and follows is the first few paragraphs of the article if you're too lazy to click =)


About this time in the last presidential campaign cycle, a year before the '04 Iowa cau-cuses and New Hampshire primary, I remember hearing then-U.S. Sen. John Edwards speak in Raleigh—and con-cluding that his candidacy was issue-free.

What a difference four years makes.

This time, a year before the 2008 vote starts, Edwards is the issues candidate. Not Hillary Clinton, who must see "issues" as the only way she can lose. And not Barack Obama either, since his election, like Hillary's, would be plenty of "issue" all by itself.

Ironically, therefore, in a field featuring a possible first woman president and a possible first African American, white-guy Edwards' campaign remains afloat for the simple reason that he is the one offering the most concrete set of policy changes.

Posted by rickroot at 6:52 AM | Link | 5 comments