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23 June 2005

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

So I was reading The Onion today and checked out the "Savage Love" advice column, which I do from time to time because it generally amuses me.

They were publishing letters from adult gays and lesbians giving advice to young gays and lesbians, and I found the following letter interesting:

My first two relationships were with straight girls, and I gave them orgasm after orgasm, but never once received one in return. By the time I dated another real lesbian, I had serious problems allowing myself to be pleasured. BE WARNED: That straight girl is never going to want to reciprocate, so don't waste your time.
Should Have Known Better

This reminded me of the mid-late 90s, when it seemed like every girl on m-net (an online BBS that I've been using pretty much continuously since 1986) claimed to be bi because that was the "in" thing.

I wonder how many of them actually were.

I guess I also always assumed that any girl who lets another girl go down on her must be bi, but then again, as Herman Hupfeld wrote and Rudy Vallee crooned in the 1930s, "a kiss is just a kiss", right?  Lips and tongues are just lips and tongues.

Hmm.  That's probably not what the original song had in mind, eh?

I once knew a guy named Henry, who was a friend of my friend Jeff (formerly known here as "docz" and more often referred to as "Jones" I think). Henry was the ring leader of a group of people that heavily participated REGULARLY in the Rocky Horror picture show at Briarwood and often did shows and stuff. Anyway, I was hanging out at Henry and Jeff's apartment one evening - I think it might've been the night before my 21st birthday - and we were doing Vodka shots and stuff, and Henry offered to give me a blow job. He claimed that getting a blowjob from a man was no different than getting a blowjob from a woman. I suppose it's theoretically possible that a man might actually do it better, but I wasn't interested in finding out, so I declined. I was more interested in Henry's friend, a girl who worked at the movie theater whom I went out with once but never got anywhere with.

(On a side note, it was a party at Henry and Jeff's apartment once where I discovered that I didn't much care for role playing. We played Marvel and I thought it sucked. I guess I'm not 100% geek. I didn't like "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" either.)

Posted by rickroot at 11:12 AM | Link | 0 comments
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