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15 July 2005

New and Old House Update

So, the old house is almost totally empty now.  The only things left really are the wheelbarrow, some planters that we want to keep, the bird house and bird feeders, a broken TV/DVD combo, and the boat.  I'm keeping the boat there until we close, at which time I'll move it to the storage place.

I spent some time over there today, fixing the drywall in the pantry, and yesterday I cleaned up the mess in the laundry (long story, involving a full jug of Tide and a loose cap).  Tomorrow, we're going to get the rest of the stuff, and paint the wall in the laundry closet (the one with the tide all over it), and then it's pretty much done.

The buyers are having a cleaner come in on Tuesday and clean the house, then we're closing on Wednesday.  Thank goodness!  It's kinda of scary owning two homes.

As for the new house... well, we've got a lot of organization to do.  We've got some of the stuff up on the walls, but we've found out that our wall unit is too large for this house.  The only real suitable place for us to put it is the bedroom, which is a shame because it's not really bedroom furniture, ya know?  The wall unit stored a LOT of our books and knick knacks and other "decorative crap" (as I like to call it).  So we've gotta figure out where all that stuff is gonna go.

We've also got an extra sofa table that used to sit behind the large couch, but there's no place for that anymore either.  Crazy how we've got 400 square feet more space, and we've got to get rid of furniture!

Posted by rickroot at 9:23 PM | Link | 0 comments
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