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08 May 2007

Upcoming Trip to Atlantic Beach (North Carolina)

So, Adrienne's folks are coming to visit for a week, and we decided a trip to the ocean was called for.  It's May, so the water may be a bit cold still, but it'll still be enjoyable - and even swimmable for me maybe.  We'll see.

Anyway, we're going to Atlantic Beach, North Carolina.  This will be our second trip to Atlantic Beach, a destination we like because it's easy to get to (only about 3 hours from Raleigh) and we like the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium, which is just down the road from Atlantic Beach.

Atlantic Beach is just south of "the outer banks" of the North Carolina coast.  The beach actually faces directly south - here's a satellite image.

We'll be spending the night at the Sheraton Atlantic Beach, which looks to be a pretty nice hotel.  It's oceanfront, we'll have an "ocean view" room, they have an indoor and an outdoor pool too, which will be nice to swim in since the ocean water will likely be kinda cold still.  It should be about 70 degrees, while it usually maxes out around 80 degrees in the summer.

One of my favorite things about going to the ocean is FRESH SEAFOOD!  Last time we were in Atlantic Beach, we enjoyed The Channel Marker Restaurant, located at the bridge on the sound side of the island.  It was awesome, to say the least.  Adrienne had what she described as the best crabcakes ever there.  I had some broiled fish platter I think, but what I remember was the crab dip, which was awesome.  They also put crackers on the table with port wine cheese.  Yum.

This time we might try The Sanitary Fish Market in Morehead City.  Numerous people recommended it.  I think it has a funny name.  It's more expensive than The Channel Marker, but looks like it's more of your "classic" southern fried fish restaurant.

The weather looks sketchy - mid 70s, scattered thunderstorms.  I think it depends in part what happens with that big ol' low pressure system hanging off the coast.

Posted by rickroot at 10:42 AM | Link | 0 comments
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