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04 June 2007

Life can end so quickly


My friend and coworker, George Smith, was killed in this morning's wreck on I-40, when a Chevy Tahoe, driven by an apparent illegal alien who was drunk and carrying a fake drivers license, careened across the median and slamed into George's Kia as he drove to work this morning at 7:15 AM.  My other coworker Mike was stuck in the traffic and thinks he was probably not much more than 3 minutes behind George.

George was a wonderful man and an excellent coworker.  He had been at Duke for nearly 30 years.  I'd worked with him for nearly 5 years, and we enjoyed each other's somewhat twisted sense of humor.

I have a banana tree growing in my front yard that George gave to me when I expressed interest in bananas after seeing them in the Duke Gardens.

George - by now, you'll have probably discovered that there are no weeds in heaven.

Rest in peace.

Posted by rickroot at 6:12 PM | Link | 1 comment
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Re: Life can end so quickly
I sent the following letter to my two US Senators and to my US Representative.

My friend and coworker George Smith died in a car wreck yesterday. If you're currently in the area, you may have heard about it on the news. He was struck by a stolen Chevy Tahoe that crossed the median at high speed, and he was killed immediately. The Tahoe was driven by an illegal immigrant - who was also drunk.

This man had been caught twice attempting to cross the border in 2004, but he obviously made it the third time. He had a north carolina drivers license that was either forged or acquired improperly.

A passenger in his vehicle was determined to also be an illegal immigrant who had been deported twice.


Immigration Reform absolutely must include tightened border security. BUILD THE FENCE. INCREASE FUNDING for border patrols and get more people on those borders and at the checkpoints.

We have got to stop these people from getting into our country. We have huge numbers of illegal aliens in prisons, we're educating huge numbers of illegal aliens in our schools, and we're treating huge numbers of illegal aliens in our emergency rooms.

Please do something about this. Take a stand, and vote no against any bill that doesn't FIRST guarantee tighter border security.

Thank you.

Rick Root
Apex, NC
Posted by rickroot on June 5, 2007 at 8:20 PM

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